Brand photography + how I started my food tour

Hello everybody! Guess what?! Jenna’s Kelowna Foodie Tour is now LAUNCHED!!

I am so excited to have expanded my business and offer this unique experience! I have been working on the nitty gritty details to perfect this tour for a while, and now the time has come! I will be taking you around Kelowna to all my favorite local spots to indulge in some good eats and sips, PLUS, we get to hangout! (click here to sign up)

kelowna food tour

So how did I come about this business venture?

One of the NUMBER one asked questions I get from my readers is where to eat in Kelowna! I also get asked by followers to meet in real life and go out to eat! I combined the two and thought, let’s do a food tour!

To launch this new business venture, I needed some high quality photos of me with food! It doesn’t matter how great your service or product is, if you don’t establish a strong foundation for your brand, how will your audience know about you?

To get some bomb photos, I partnered with @storycatcher_photography to do some brand imagery for me. All the images of me on my Foodie Tour page she took. How beautiful are they?! 🙂

kelowna food tourkelowna food tour

kelowna food tour

kelowna food tour

As quoted from Kristen’s website:

“Personal brand photography showcases the face behind the brand and tells the story of; who you are, what you do, why you do it, and what sets you apart from your competition with strategic custom images that engage your ideal clients to know you like you and trust you. In other words, it’s an opportunity to share your passion for what you do in the way that only you can do it!”

This is exactly what I needed!

If you guys follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that most of the images you see I take myself. I actually also do some brand photography as well. Bloggers have an eye for it!! However, the reason I don’t take all my photos is because I need photos of myself. And sometimes I get my boyfriend, my mom, a friend, or even self timer to get the job done. But if you want it done right and are striving for high quality photos of YOURSELF in the photos, I would strongly recommend hiring somebody to do it for you.

kelowna food tour

So now enough about me. What about you. Are you looking to start a business? Anybody has the guts to start a business, but those who have grit will stick it out! Entrepreneurship is where it’s at these days! If you are starting out, I would recommend elevating your brand and making it look legit with some kick ass photos! And if you’re looking for somebody to capture you, I would highly recommend Kristen of @storycatcher_photography.

kelowna food tour

Happy shooting! And hope to see you on a food tour!

-Jenna xoxo

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