Nov 14th – @cupcakes_and_life
Today StuffwithSvet is featuring @cupcakes_and_life. I started following Pavlina because I realized she was based out of Kelowna and loved her “regular person every-day” vibe. I love following people that are humans, who wear clothes that are affordable and are relatable in general. And Pavlina is all those things. I’ve also been super into mom bloggers as I feel like they’re so wise!! MOMS KNOW IT ALL. Check out Pavlina below.
My Name is Pavlina Toren and my business is Cupcakes and Life – A Lifestyle Blog. You can connect with me via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and my website.
I follow @jennaswetlikoff because I love how relatable she is and how she shares her daily life. She has the best cooking tutorials and she lives in Kelowna. It is always great to connect with fellow Kelowna bloggers.
Cupcakes and Life is a lifestyle blog focusing on some of my passions like fashion, beauty, fitness, and much more. I love sharing my everyday style and thoughts on various topics with others.
I use Instagram because it’s a great way to share my thoughts, outfits, business and also a great way to connect with people that I would not normally do so. My favorite accounts to follow are @jillianharris, @laurenkaysims, @jsangsterr, and @gracefullyglamblog.
What makes me stand out from other businesses is that I really try to just stick what I am passionate about and be as real and relatable as possible. In regards to my fashion posts, I share my everyday casual style and really pride myself in sharing outfits that are affordable. Cause let’s be honest, who wants to spend $200 on a sweater.
The most important part of my business journey so far? I started my blog when my kids got a little older and had some extra time on my hands. It quickly grew to something completely unexpected and I realized there were so many great people out there to connect with that were interested in my daily outfits and my day to day life. I love sharing those aspects with them and am so thankful for all the great people I have met throughout this entire blogging journey.
What is my 5-year goal? This is a hard one, I have so many ideas and plans for the future of Cupcakes and Life that I am so excited about. I just really want to continue being a great resource for all lifestyle content. One thing I am working on is creating an e-book on starting a blog and everything you need to know so I hope to have that out and available.
There have definitely been some tough times. I think the thing that helps me the most is to take a step back, and take a break from whatever it is that I’m having difficulty with. Then, revisit it with a clear mind and usually a totally different mindset.
If I had to nominate somebody to be on this series, I think @thebabeabroad would be great.
Thank you for having me on the Who’s Out There? SERIES!!!