A Day in the Life Working From Home
As many of you know, I started full-time digital marketing in the beginning of October, 2022. This transition also meant that I started working from home full-time. I knew going into it that working from home had advantages and disadvantages, as I outlined in a previous blog post. To my surprise, I have LOVED working from home.
In this blog post, I am going to share what I have loved, and not-so-loved, about working from home. As well, I will highlight my routine things that help me to stay motivated and continuing to love working from home.
My favourite things about working from home is the flexibility that working my own hours offers. I love being able to go work out at the gym or have an appointment during the typical 9-5 hours, even if it means I have to work later that evening. I also love not having to commute, especially since I live on the outskirts of Kelowna and nothing is ever close. This saves on both time and money! Lastly, who doesn’t love having casual dress attire 😉
My not-so-favourite things about working from home is that it can be hard to stay motivated at times, especially with distractions such as food (lol), napping (lol), and Mason (who also often works from home). Sounds silly but the struggle can be real! While having flexible working hours is definitely a perk, it can also be challenging to not have a set schedule and remain self-motivated. It can also be challenging to get out of bed in the morning instead of snoozing the alarm and sleeping in.
Now that I’ve covered my pros and cons of working from home, I am going to share my daily routine which helps me stay motivated!
My Daily Routine
- I try my best to get up and start working at around the same time every day in order to maintain routine. I also rarely work from bed as I find it can be challenging to get motivated.
- I then get dressed in something other than PJs. Lounge or sweat wear is okay but I try to stay away from PJs.
- Next, I make a cup of tea or coffee and head to my office. It is so so important to have an office that is a positive, dedicated working space. My office must-haves are a Saje diffuser, candles, a cute planner, plants, and signs with motivational quotes.
- I then work for a few hours until lunch time. I always am very intentional about taking a break at lunch as this is a good time to step away from the computer and reset my brain. Sometimes I eat leftovers from the night before or I throw together a simple salad with my favourite dressing or other easy lunch ideas (see my Instagram reels for ideas). I always eat lunch in the kitchen and resist eating while working.
- After I finish eating lunch, I re-fill my tea and return back to work for the afternoon.
- Throughout the day, I take breaks when I am having a hard time focusing or I am feeling the need to stretch my legs. Sometimes this looks like going to get a glass of water or stepping out onto our deck for a few minutes for some fresh air.
- As I try to start working every morning at roughly the same time, I also try to end the day at around the same time to maintain routine. This doesn’t always happen if I’m working a longer day, but for the most part, I try to stick to this.
- After both Mason and I have finished working for the day, we head outside to go for a walk both for exercise and to catch up on the day. We don’t go for very long but we try make any effort to stretch out our legs after being stationary all day at our desks.
Sometimes if I have tasks that I don’t love to do or find hard to focus on I will head to one of my favourite coffee shops and work there for the day. It can be nice to get out of the house, have a change of scenery, and enjoy a yummy latte.
I hope this was helpful for you whether you are currently working from home or contemplating whether you would like it or not! Despite the minor things I don’t love about working from home, it is so so worth it! Let me know what your favourite tips are if you work from home.
-Jenna xoxo